dimarts, 17 de gener del 2017

Let's be reporters in Socials Science!

El passat mes de novembre, els alumnes de 1r de la ESO dins la matèria de ciències socials vam fer de reporters in English. Estavem estudiant l'origen de la Terra, la Pangea, i els hi vaig proposar posar veu a un vídeo que no en tenia, que era mut, i va sortir prou bé!
Ja que no podem penjar tots els reportatges,  aquí deixem penjats alguns enllaços als més valorats tot i que tots ho van fer molt i molt bé! Agraeixo l'esforç que van fer per portar a terme l'activitat en anglés.

Last november, the students of 1st of ESO became reporters for one day in Social Science Subject. We were studying the origins of the Earth, the Pangea, and I proposed them to be the voice of a video which was mute, without voice, and the experience went well.
As all the reports cannot be linked, here you've got some of them, the ones most graded, but, however, all students did it very very good! I'm very proud of their efford to do the activity in English.

Record and upload voice >>

Online recording software >>

Audio recording and upload >>
Record and upload audio >>